04 October 2008

Best bass player in the world

I am bass. I love bass. When I decided the sporting life wasn't for me I wanted to do music. Like the old Western Swingers holler...'that's right m'boy...HIT BOTTOM!', I like bottom.
John Entwistle, what a bass player. Bob 'BJ' Jorin built his own! Gimme bass! The thing is, Matt Freeman is the bestest bass player I have ever heard. Will see him
on 4 November...weeeeeee!


Hunters Glory said...

In response to your quote of the day, I find myself arguing more when I am wrong, to see if I can win the argument.

If I am right then what is the point in arguing?
"You cannot win an argument with a fool."

BTW I love reading your "Quotes of da' day"!!!!

Valerie Roberson said...

When you have time, there's an award for you over at my blog :)
have a good one!